Saturday, October 24, 2015

To My Future Wife Part 6

Like a mystery waiting to be unveiled, so is your name to me O fairest lady.

Only time will whisper its riddle in this frangible heart of mine.


Why do I fear it...? It is puzzling to me. Perhaps it is far more than just fear, but a mixture with an ounce of eager anticipation. Nevertheless, I move forward. Onward.

Only you can allow someone to tread ground on that hidden and narrow passage that lays deep within your heart. What a privilege it would be for me to watch intently, with every careful step, the layers of your heart unfold!

You are to me like a hidden book written in a language only you know--foreign and unbeknownst to me, but a bitter sweet melody you have sung all throughout your life, to which, with your permission, I would love to join in two-part harmony. I can only hope to translate it word by word in order to uncover the shrouded paradigms of a beautiful protagonist such as you.

May you tutor my mind of the discourse that is written of you?

Wife, forgive me of the hopelessness in romance I have with my words.
Cheesy and, perhaps, unbecoming...a resounding yes...however, true nonetheless.

Please find it...cute. yes. Cute.

That is all I ask for right now.

Yours truly,


Friday, March 28, 2014

Tresspass To Redemption // Of This I Am Certain

You are much more than just a prize to compete over...won over. 
You are far greater than such an endeavor. 
You are a gift…A perfect gift only God can give (James 1:17).

And I have no right to infringe and demand something that is not, and has never been, rightfully mine. Or else, how then will you, your heart, be considered a gift?
How then may I see your love for me an act according to grace?
Where then will be boasting? It is excluded (Romans 3:27).
    Because, should my strength, which is nothing, apart from the Lord, accomplish what it has sought to achieve, how then would I glory in the Lord God and His sovereignty, infinite wisdom, and abundant grace for you and me? I wouldn't.

I see now the trespass...

Pride. It lurks. It is unbecoming for the soul. It is hidden...much like the invisible thread of grace the moon hangs upon. It is the form of the highest deception in me and of all my aspirations (toward you). It prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Me. (1 Peter 5:8).
And I hate it with a passion.

Humility. It remains silent. It is unbeknownst to the soul. It is treasures buried in earthen vessels, kept in jars of clay (1 Corinthians 4:7). It is the vantage point to view life and all of its adventures fixated on one focal point, that is, Jesus, the Cornerstone, whom is my foundation (Ephesians 2:20).
And I covet its fragrance with an insatiable hunger.

I'm beginning to see now the redemption...

Isaiah 43:18-19
"Do not call to mind the former things, nor ponder things of the past" for what is done is done.
See now and behold, He is making all things new and it will spring forth as He had promised.
He will make a way in the wilderness of my interrogations.
He will make a river in the desert of my emotions.
I will perceive it.

And my heart will be clothed in gladness

Of This I Am Certain.



Friday, February 28, 2014

Simple Thoughts Of You

Simple Thoughts Of You Part 1:

To think that the Lord knew you before you were conceived; nay, to know that He has loved you before creation came to be and now, He calls you His child. How can my heart not rejoice though troubles may fare? Or celebrate though failures abound? He loves me stronger than any deluge of sorrow. He loves me greater than death itself and has called me by name.




Simple Thoughts Of You Part 2:

To think that the Lord forgives me of my past mistakes; nay, to know that He no longer remembers my sins when He forgives me is a grace taken for granted. How my heart takes lightly the riches of His kindness, His tender mercy, and His longsuffering to which my heart should run gracefully toward His warm embrace…I cannot fathom. How can my heart not respond with tearful affection? Or reciprocate due kindly His intimate pursuit of me? His grace covers me more than the air in which I breathe. His fingerprints are visible upon my heart with every waning breath. Daily, He bids me, “Come, live in my grace”. ...Such knowledge is too wonderful for me…



Thursday, February 27, 2014

Something For Nothing OR A Beautiful Exchange

There is nothing that can explain the unpredictable nature of the human heart. Its fickle behaviors, unwarranted nostalgia, the frangible pillars of emotions, and, yes, even its unprecedented, inadvertent step towards falling in love are all catalysts to the seasonal changes of life, which makes life all the more exciting and filled with colors.

Nevertheless, in short, the heart can be a real pain in the Ass. Seriously.

There are motives hidden deep in its chasms shrouded in a billow of mystery; intent disguised as wolves in sheep's clothing; and, the most encumbering item of them all, its seemingly insatiable desire for longing.

"The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9, Italics mine).

See now the fallen nature of Man! The desperate need of grace and mercy beckons the heart to draw near, but it cannot cannot see... If the heart does not see the need of the remedy grace and mercy brings--like the watchmen on the wall in the face of invasion--she will not desire it and, consequently, will be overtaken by a deluge of sorrow.

Only when the heart goes back to her roots--the Garden of Eden--where nakedness and transparency were nothing to be ashamed of will she then begin to see herself in her despondent state and intimately know the desperation that has been there all along. Only then will the layers of the human heart be unraveled. Only then will she be true to herself.

However, the heart stations a flaming sword, which turns in every direction guarding the way to the tree of gladness. This is not, however, like the sword the Lord God had placed in the Garden; on the contrary, it is a sword that was forged in heartache, agony, wounds, and sufferings resulting in fear. Fear. It blinds the eyes from beholding the goodness that surrounds her; it prevents the heart from grasping the intimacy that has always pursued her.

And there is only one true antidote to

"[For] there is no fear in love; but perfect love drives out all fear..." (1 John 4:18, Italics mine). Love is far more violent than the sword of fear for it was forged in God--for "God is love" (1 John 4:8). When these two blades joust for your heart, fear must crumble. Yes, it is intimidating at first glance, but the reward--love--is an incomparable joy nothing can ever dare compete with. I do not discourse on the matter of guarding your heart for this must be steadfast, faithful... a constant. Rather, it is more a matter of what is guarding your heart.

The only question is: Are you willing to let love in?

This love is ambrosial. It satisfies all hunger and quenches all thirst. It is comparable, but not exactly similar to, to the fruit of knowledge of good and evil wherein it opens the your eyes. When she is willing to receive, she will then not only begin to enjoy the treasures that surround her, but be enabled, empowered to choose to treasure what surrounds her.

"...for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Matthew 6:21).

What will you treasure?

Nay, whom will you treasure?

I surmise these two questions cannot be answered as of this moment.
We must track back to the first one.

Heart, are you willing to let love in?



Thursday, February 20, 2014

To My Future Wife Part 5

Can you believe it O fairest of women? I'm 26 turning 27 this year. Those that are already in their thirties and forties say that I'm still young (which is true) and then proceed to give that I'm-older-than-you-which-makes-me-wiser-than-you little smirk on their face where the dimples only show ever so slightly--more like a crease than anything--and the eyes gently, but very subtly, dip. Well...DUH. They're in their thirties and forties way passed their prime while I'm currently living mine. 8) (cool face).

Anyway, the sub-point is, I'm growing up. (slowly?)

The major point is this: I cannot fully grow and mature into the man of God He desires me to be as a single man, a bachelor (wow...that 'B' word really sticks out now); there's a limit, a threshold if you will. As a bachelor (whoa...that 'B' word again), I have come to realize I can only grow so much...

Now, O fairest of women, before you try and correct me by saying things like, "You're not trusting in God enough to grow your character"; "Of course you can grow as a single!"; or, which is my favorite, "Joseph...all you NEED is Jesus"--all of this, by the way, is a total turn on and makes you a total fox--permit me to explain my reasoning.

Here are a few of my thoughts. I'll connect the dots at the end. Enjoy!

1. I believe God desires to mold me into the man of God He desires me to become. He promised He would. Furthermore, I also believe He is preparing, growing, and maturing me to be a husband to and for you and vice versa. In short, He's preparing you and me for each other, to be ready for each other, ultimately, till death do us part, to love one another deeply...of course, in due season--in His timing.

2. The way God deals with His children is unique to each individual. The way He grows and matures each and everyone of us is different, purposeful, and vibrant. Why? Because it is a lifelong process--relationship--until He calls us home.

3. As the saying goes, "My wife completes me".

4. As Adam once said, "This [woman] is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh". Layman's interpretation: "My wife is my better half".

5. I need you and you need me; it goes past beyond our wants.

Dear know that God loves both you and me. You and I both know He wants what is best for us; we both know He wants to conform us to the image of His Son. What an amazing promise!

This is what I am certain of.

As a bachelor, I will only mature to a certain point; I will not be the perfected husband when you meet me, but I will be ready. I will still harbor weaknesses. I will still be filled with many shortcomings. Be that as it may, when we meet in God's timing, it will be perfect. God never makes a mistake and He plans perfectly; I just need to remain faith-filled and faithful to Him.

As to the reason why I am certain of the fact that I will only grow to a certain point is simply because of this: God wants to use you to help me grow FULLY into the man of God He desires me to be. And, with confidence I'll say, He desires to use me to help you grow into the beautiful woman of God He desires YOU to be. You will be my pillar and I will be yours. Of this, I am certain.

What a beautiful waltz this is O fairest woman!

If God is preparing me for you and you for me, of course I will not mature to my full potential WITHOUT you in my life!!!


Because every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above. You, O dear wife, are that perfect gift. I only pray you see all of this through the same lens I see them in: faith.

Wife, I wait patiently for you.

Yours truly,


Friday, April 12, 2013

The Leper Rerecorded with MORE REVERB!

Finally got to finish this song.  It's got guitar rifts, a new chorus, and REVERB! WOOT!

I hope you guys enjoy!  Critiques are more than welcomed!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I've been so encouraged by the Milk + Honey team.

There's nothing more satisfying than to know that God would use insignificant people like us to make a significant difference in the history of those around us.

Like the Apostle Paul, may the love of Christ compel us to go.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Take Two

The excitement that life brings stems from the emotions of the heart
It's fickle behavior wars with rational and logical thinking.
The mind. The heart.
Inevitably, the Soul.
They all tie together to create me.
Someone no one on this earth can be.
Only me.

The surgeon's knife cuts deep only to sow it up again
Healing comes with time
And with time new chapters begin to form
Closing one, onto a new. Forward.
We must always move forward.

I am a canvass that was once blank
Now. Colors come in all shapes and sizes.
The smell of blue is wonderful
The sounds that red makes is exquisite.
I wonder what it would if you couple them all together

Oh the taste in my palate.
Sweet. Rich. Bitter.

I am a POIEMA.